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Ta termin je tudi v:
 Škodljivci in bolezni kulturih rastlin
l2 term description link
166089 114552 English 2 Anthracnose of lime

166093 114552 English 2 Anthracnose of strawberry

936458 114552 English Apple bitter rot
166097 114552 English 2 Black spot of strawberry

166098 114552 English 2 Leaf curl of anemone

166090 114552 English 2 Leaf curl of celery

166094 114552 English 2 Wither tip of lime

166100 114552 French 1 Anthracnose des agrumes

166092 114552 French 1 Anthracnose du fraisier

166096 114552 French 2 Taches noires du fraisier

160595 114552 Latin Colletotrichum acutatum

valid (13-10-2022)

842613 114552 Latin Colletotrichum acutatum f. acutatum

valid (09-10-2022)

842615 114552 Latin Colletotrichum acutatum f. hakeae

842614 114552 Latin Colletotrichum acutatum f. pineum

syn. ,Colletotrichum acutatum=valid, (13-10-2022)

842617 114552 Latin Colletotrichum acutatum var. acutatum

valid (09-10-2022)

936406 114552 Latin Colletotrichum fructigenum

syn. ,Colletotrichum gloeosporioides=valid, (13-10-2022)

889493 114552 Latin Glomerella acutata

syn. ,Colletotrichum acutatum=valid, (13-10-2022)

889494 114552 Latin Glomerella acutata var. acutata

valid (09-10-2022)

889495 114552 Latin Glomerella acutata var. fioriniae

syn. ,Colletotrichum fioriniae=valid, (13-10-2022)

889496 114552 Latin Glomerella fioriniae

syn. ,Colletotrichum fioriniae=valid, (13-10-2022)

166099 114552 Spanish 2 Antracnosis de las yemas

166091 114552 Spanish 2 Antracnosis del freson

166095 114552 Spanish 2 Manchas negras del freson


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