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This tremin is allso in:
 Alps flora
 Endangered specieses of animals, plants
 Weeds on arrable land
 Africa north
 Africa south
Taxa: Notophilus
l2 term description link
23386 17294 Croatian Bodljikasti ĺľabnjak
46845 17294 Croatian 3 Bodljikasti žabnjak
665062 17294 Czech 2 Iskerník mäkkoostňový

893586 17294 Czech 1 Pryskyřník měkkoostenný

665061 17294 Czech 1 Pryskyřník měkoostenný
205833 17294 Dutch 3 Boterbloem stekel
2554508 17294 Dutch 1 stekel Boterbloem
36625 17294 Dutch 1 Stekel boterbloem
205829 17294 English 2 Buttercup roughseeded

205831 17294 English 2 Buttercup scilly

205834 17294 English 2 Buttercup sharp

205827 17294 English 3 Buttercup spiny fruited
2510197 17294 English 1 Rough seed buttercup
2439959 17294 English 1 Rough-seed buttercup
36579 17294 English 2 Roughseeded buttercup
2364084 17294 English 1 Scilly buttercup
2364085 17294 English 1 Sharp buttercup
2364086 17294 English 1 Spiny fruited buttercup
2510198 17294 English 2 Spinyfruit buttercup
661146 17294 French 1 Pied de coq
2554507 17294 French 1 Renoncule à  petites pointes
36602 17294 French 2 Renoncule à petites pointes

205825 17294 French 2 Renoncule pied de coq

205828 17294 German 2 Hahnenfuß stachelfruechtiger

36562 17294 German 2 Stachelfruechtiger hahnenfuß
36613 17294 Italian 2 Ranunculo muricato

205826 17294 Italian 2 Ranunculo pie corvino

36621 17294 Japanese 2 Togeminokitsunenobotan

957619 17294 Latin Notophilus muricatus
957620 17294 Latin Ranunculus cabulicus
957621 17294 Latin Ranunculus coronatus
957622 17294 Latin Ranunculus graecus
957623 17294 Latin Ranunculus microcarpus
175 17294 Latin Ranunculus muricatus
957624 17294 Latin Ranunculus muricatus var. brasilianus
957625 17294 Latin Ranunculus muricatus var. emuricatus
957626 17294 Latin Ranunculus muricatus var. graecus
957627 17294 Latin Ranunculus muricatus var. pygmaea
957628 17294 Latin Ranunculus ventricosus
36635 17294 Portuguese 2 Bugalho

243344 17294 Serbian 2 Ljutić mišji

907124 17294 Serbian 1 Љутић мишји

667451 17294 Slovak 1 Iskerník mäkkoostňový
36644 17294 Slovene 4 Bodičastoplodna zlatica

957629 17294 Slovene 1 Kljunasta zlatica
36589 17294 Spanish 1 Centella

205830 17294 Spanish 2 Guante

205832 17294 Spanish 2 Hierba de la vaca

205835 17294 Spanish 2 Huante

205824 17294 Spanish 1 Pata de cabra


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