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Taxa: Trutta Salar Fario Truta
l2 term description link
539094 13586 Albanian 2 Trofte ligenore
543283 13586 Albanian 2 Trofte mali
271416 13586 Basque 1 Ibaiko amuarraina
543281 13586 Bulgarian 2 Rechna pastarva
271412 13586 Catalan 1 Truita comuna
246183 13586 Croatian 1 Potočna pastrva
250862 13586 Czech 1 Pstruh obecný
543279 13586 Czech 2 Pstruh obecný forma potocni
253214 13586 Czech 1 Pstruh obecný jezerní
252321 13586 Czech 1 Pstruh obecný mořský
254768 13586 Czech 1 Pstruh obecny potoční
543317 13586 Czech 2 Pstruh obecný severomorský
543269 13586 Danish 2 Bækørred
543298 13586 Danish 2 Havørred
543313 13586 Danish 2 Ørred
539092 13586 Danish 2 Søørred
543270 13586 Dutch 2 Beekforel
543341 13586 Dutch 2 Zeeforel
543290 13586 English 2 Blacktail
543292 13586 English 1 Brook trout
2285392 13586 English 4 Brown trout
2736128 13586 English Brown/Sea Trout
1041069 13586 English 1 Common trout
543294 13586 English 2 Finnock
543296 13586 English 2 Galway sea trout
543297 13586 English 2 Gillaroo
543300 13586 English 2 Herling
543301 13586 English 2 Hirling
256022 13586 English 1 Lake brown trout
539089 13586 English 1 Lake trout
543310 13586 English 2 Orange fin
543312 13586 English 2 Orkney sea trout
543316 13586 English 2 Peal
543319 13586 English 1 Salmon trout
543320 13586 English 2 Sea trout
543321 13586 English 2 Sewin
543329 13586 English 2 Trout
256077 13586 English 1 Trout river
543339 13586 English 1 Whiting
543340 13586 English 2 Whitling
539088 13586 Finnish 2 Järvitaimen
543308 13586 Finnish 2 Meritaimen
543280 13586 Finnish 2 Purotaimen
543325 13586 Finnish 2 Taimen
543282 13586 Finnish 2 Tammukka
539095 13586 French 2 Truite argentée
2555530 13586 French 1 truite brune
543333 13586 French 2 Truite brune de mer
543285 13586 French 2 Truite commune
543334 13586 French 2 Truite d'europe
539096 13586 French 2 Truite de lac
543335 13586 French 2 Truite de mer
658618 13586 French 1 Truite de rivière
543286 13586 French 2 Truite fario
539097 13586 French 2 Truite saumonée
2354065 13586 German 1 Bach forelle
543267 13586 German 3 Bachforelle
2321658 13586 German 1 Bergforelle
2322002 13586 German 1 Fario
2322052 13586 German 1 Flussforelle
543295 13586 German 2 Forelle
152204 13586 German 2 Forelle bach

152203 13586 German 2 Forelle meer

152205 13586 German 2 Forelle see

152202 13586 German 2 Forelle silberlachs

543303 13586 German 2 Lachförch
543304 13586 German 2 Laßföhren
2354067 13586 German 1 Meer forelle
543307 13586 German 3 Meerforelle
2323269 13586 German 1 Schwarzlachs
2354066 13586 German 1 See forelle
539091 13586 German 1 Seeforelle
2323328 13586 German 1 Silberlachs
2354064 13586 German 1 Silberlachs forelle
2323371 13586 German 1 Steinforelle
2323379 13586 German 1 Strandlachs
2323515 13586 German 1 Trump
2323635 13586 German 1 Weißforelle
543322 13586 Icelandic 2 Sjourrioi
543338 13586 Icelandic 2 Urriði
543288 13586 Irish 2 An breac geal
543291 13586 Irish 2 Breac geal
543318 13586 Italian 2 Salmo trota
271417 13586 Italian 1 Trota
705774 13586 Italian 1 Trota di mare
543284 13586 Italian 2 Trota fario
504219 13586 Latin Fario argenteus

501457 13586 Latin Fario lacustris

501458 13586 Latin Fario lemanus
504220 13586 Latin Fario trutta

504221 13586 Latin Salar ausonii

504222 13586 Latin Salar ausonii parcepunctata

504223 13586 Latin Salar ausonii semipunctata

504224 13586 Latin Salar bailloni

504225 13586 Latin Salar gaimardi

504226 13586 Latin Salar spectabilis

504227 13586 Latin Salmo albus

504228 13586 Latin Salmo brachypoma

504229 13586 Latin Salmo caecifer

504230 13586 Latin Salmo cambricus

504231 13586 Latin Salmo caspius

504232 13586 Latin Salmo cornubiensis

504233 13586 Latin Salmo cumberland

504234 13586 Latin Salmo eriox

504235 13586 Latin Salmo estuarius

504216 13586 Latin Salmo fario

504236 13586 Latin Salmo fario forestensis

504237 13586 Latin Salmo fario loënsis

504238 13586 Latin Salmo fario major

504239 13586 Latin Salmo faris forestensis

504240 13586 Latin Salmo gadöensis
504241 13586 Latin Salmo gadoides

504242 13586 Latin Salmo gallivensis

501459 13586 Latin Salmo illanca

504243 13586 Latin Salmo islayensis

504217 13586 Latin Salmo lacustris

504244 13586 Latin Salmo lacustris rhenana

504245 13586 Latin Salmo lacustris romanovi

504246 13586 Latin Salmo lacustris septentrionalis

501460 13586 Latin Salmo lemanus

504247 13586 Latin Salmo levenensis

501461 13586 Latin Salmo microps
504248 13586 Latin Salmo mistops

504249 13586 Latin Salmo montana

504250 13586 Latin Salmo orcadensis

504251 13586 Latin Salmo orientalis

857937 13586 Latin Salmo oxianus

504252 13586 Latin Salmo phinoc

504253 13586 Latin Salmo polyosteus

501462 13586 Latin Salmo rappii

504254 13586 Latin Salmo salar trutta
504255 13586 Latin Salmo saxatilis

504256 13586 Latin Salmo spurius

504257 13586 Latin Salmo stroemii

504258 13586 Latin Salmo stuarius
504259 13586 Latin Salmo sylvaticus

504260 13586 Latin Salmo taurinus

504218 13586 Latin Salmo trutta

504261 13586 Latin Salmo trutta abanticus
388700 13586 Latin Salmo trutta aralensis

504262 13586 Latin Salmo trutta caspius

504263 13586 Latin Salmo trutta ciscaucasicus

504264 13586 Latin Salmo trutta ezenami

857938 13586 Latin Salmo trutta fario

253213 13586 Latin Salmo trutta lacustris

857939 13586 Latin Salmo trutta oxianus

252320 13586 Latin Salmo trutta trutta

2571987 13586 Latin Salmo trutta trutta fario
2571988 13586 Latin Salmo trutta trutta lacustris
236308 13586 Latin Salmo trutta trutta m. fario
501463 13586 Latin Salmo truttula

504265 13586 Latin Salmo venerensis
501464 13586 Latin Salmo venernensis

504266 13586 Latin Truta salmanata
857940 13586 Latin Trutta fario

504267 13586 Latin Trutta fluviatilis

501465 13586 Latin Trutta lacustris

504268 13586 Latin Trutta marina

504269 13586 Latin Trutta salmanata

504270 13586 Latin Trutta salmonata

857941 13586 Latin Trutta trutta

501466 13586 Latin Trutta variabilis

271418 13586 Lithuanian 1 Upėtakis
543289 13586 Norwegian 1 Aure
543271 13586 Norwegian 2 Bekkaure
543272 13586 Norwegian 2 Bekkørret
543314 13586 Norwegian 2 Ørret
543323 13586 Norwegian 2 Sjøaure
543324 13586 Norwegian 2 Sjøørret
543278 13586 Polish 2 Pstrąg potokowy
543326 13586 Polish 2 Troc
539093 13586 Polish 2 Troc jeziorowa
543327 13586 Polish 2 Troc wedrowna
543287 13586 Portuguese 2 Truta comum
539098 13586 Portuguese 4 Truta de lago
543336 13586 Portuguese 2 Truta marisca
543275 13586 Romanian 1 Pastrav
539090 13586 Romanian 2 Pastrav de lac
543315 13586 Romanian 1 Pastrav de mare
543276 13586 Romanian 2 Pastrav de munte
543277 13586 Romanian 2 Pastrav indigen
539086 13586 Russian 2 Forel ozernaya
543273 13586 Russian 2 Forel ruch'evaya
543274 13586 Russian 2 Forel strumkova
543302 13586 Russian 2 Kumzha
543305 13586 Russian 2 Losos taimen
543306 13586 Russian 2 Losos' taimen
543309 13586 Russian 2 Morskaya forel'
245668 13586 Serbian 1 Potočna pastrmka
605108 13586 Slovene 1 Fario potočna postrv
706602 13586 Slovene 2 Jezerska postrv
604475 13586 Slovene 1 Lacustris jezerska postrv
605339 13586 Slovene 1 Morska postrv
1040878 13586 Slovene 1 Navadna postrv
235640 13586 Slovene 2 Postrv
1042365 13586 Slovene 3 Potočna postrv
543330 13586 Spanish 1 Trucha
543331 13586 Spanish 2 Trucha común
543332 13586 Spanish 2 Trucha marina
543268 13586 Swedish 2 Bäcköring
543299 13586 Swedish 2 Havsöring
539087 13586 Swedish 2 Insjööring
543311 13586 Swedish 2 Öring
539085 13586 Ukrainian 2 Forel ozerna


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